Building Service Contractors Association of Australia
Building Service Contractors Association of Australia (BSCAA) is the recognised association for the cleaning services industry. Quad Services has been a member since 1989. Senior Quad staff have held the position of BSCAA Vice President (NSW division) and National Vice President . Quad’s Director of Human Resources is currently on the BSCAA Executive Board.

Supply Nation
Supply Nation is one of the leading supplier diversity organisations in Australia. Supply Nation partners with its paid membership of government, corporate and not-for-profit organisations to develop procurement policies that modify and redirect spend to include the traditionally underutilised Indigenous business sector.

Green Council of Australia
Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) is the nation’s authority on sustainable buildings, communities and cities. It facilitates the adoption of green building standards, certifications, and initiatives to drive a more sustainable built environment in Australia.

The Facility Management Association (FMAA)
The Facility Management Association (FMAA) is the peak national industry body for facilities management, representing and supporting professionals and organisations responsible for the operational management of Australia’s built environments.

The Property Council of Australia
The Property Council of Australia is the leading advocate for Australia’s property industry. We are an Associate member

Australian Security Industry Association Limited
Australian Security Industry Association Limited is the peak body for security professionals in Australia with membership accounting for 85 % of Australian Security Industry. Quad Services is a Provisional Corporate Member of ASIAL

ClubsNSW is the peak body for registered clubs in NSW representing more than 1200 member clubs. Quad Services has maintained membership with ClubsNSW since 2000.

Our CM3 certification is an evidence of our capability to deliver services safely and effectively. We have undergone a rigorous assessment of our health and safety capabilities and have met the necessary standards and requirements.

OHS Management System
Our OHS Management System is certified to AS/NZS ISO 45001-2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems standards which means that we have established a robust occupational health and safety management system, prioritizing the well-being of our employees and stakeholders while striving for continual improvement in health and safety performance.

Quality Assurance System
Our Quality Assurance System is accredited to AS/NZS ISO9001-2016 Quality Management Systems standards. Initial QA Certification was achieved in 1996. We have a robust quality management system, focused on delivering services that consistently meet customer requirements, while continuously improving our processes and performance.

Environmental Management System
Our Environmental Management System is certified to AS/NZS ISO 14001-2016 Environmental Management Systems standards. We have a robust environmental management system, which demonstrates our commitment to environmental responsibility, compliance with regulations, and continuous improvement in environmental performance.